Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Cause Global Warming

I read this on foxnews.com this morning, I just laughed... The first quote in bold is the original from the website, the next is the same quote with my thoughts in parenthesis.

'Dr. Phil Edwards, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: "Moving about in a heavy body is like driving in a gas guzzler."

Each fat person is said to be responsible for emitting a ton more of climate-warming carbon dioxide per year than a thin one.'

'Dr. Phil Edwards(quack), of the London School of Hygiene (Can a Brit really preach to us about hygiene? Really?) and Tropical Medicine, said: "Moving (Now we have a reason not to move, which includes exercise.) about in a heavy body (Dr. Phil is smart! He is afraid of us fat people, not calling us fat was a good idea.) is like driving in a gas guzzler."(I think they should be specific. If you are 25 pounds overweight, your a full sized car emitter, 25-50 is SUV emitter, 50 to 100 Semi-truck emitter, 100 or more, a fully loaded 747. This is scientific after all.)

Each fat(the journalist that wrote this is not as smart, probably because he is not a DR.) person is said to be responsible for emitting a ton (of course depending on your emitting status that could be more) more of climate-warming carbon dioxide (Don't forget about methane.) per year than a thin one.'

I guess that "breathing thing" fat people do is going to have to stop.

But wait, This just in...Joggers cause global warming too...all the heavy breathing from strenuous exercise produces the same amount of CO2 as a fully loaded VW Bug.

(I love sarcasm)

What's next?


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Understanding vs. Caring

I normally try to stay away from politics but I read this and it just rubbed me the wrong way.

David Axelrod a senior adviser to the President said this Sunday.

"The thing that bewilders me is this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people. So I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face,"

Folks, there is a difference between understanding and caring, and evidently the powers that be think we are too stupid to know that.

I understand a great many things, but I just don't care.

I understand how Lacrosse is played, I just don't care.

I understand NASCAR races, I just don't care.

I understand the respiratory system of a plant, I just don't care.

I understand the game of Baseball, I just don't care.

I bet the same holds true for you too. Maybe different topics, but the thought is the same.

See there is a difference, we all have an understanding of something that we don't care about.

For the Government (all branches, parties, ect...), they understand the plight of the people they just DON'T CARE.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fan or Follower?

As of 10:40 am on April 14, 2009 God has 226,094 fans on Facebook. Now your first thought might be “Wow, that’s awesome. God has fans. Maybe I should become a fan?” Please understand, if you are a member of this group I mean no disrespect to you, but God does’t want fans.

I mean isn’t that why we have the problems we have now-a-days? Because, God just has fans.

I am a fan of IU basketball, the Detroit Red Wings, The Colts, Buffalo wings, Peeps, a good steak, Krispy Kreams, Jeeps, Ford Trucks, Boston Terriers, Talk Radio, Fishing, Hunting, House, Heroes, Hulk Hogan (the “I am a Real American” Hulkster, not the NWO goober), Ronald Reagan, Chris Tomlin, Rich Mullins, TobyMac, and Aaron Shust. I like these things.

I am a diehard supporter and fan of all the above and much more, but I am not willing to sacrifice life and love for the sake of a sports team, car company, T.V. show, hobby, artist, politician, or food. Not even for Krispy Kreams!!!

I am not a Fan of God, I am a follower of God.

I am not a fan of Jesus, I am a follower of Jesus.

There is a difference. When Jesus called the apostle Peter he did not say, “Hey Pete, want to be my fan?” No, Jesus said “Come, Follow me.” When we follow Jesus it is for life. It is putting our faith, trust, hope, and love in the hands of an Eternal God and Savior who will not disappoint us. It is allowing that same God and Savior to change us.

Because, that’s what happens when we stop being fans, and start following Jesus. He changes us. It makes us something totally and radically different. I have never walked away from a ballgame as a radically different person. Why? Because those things we are a fan of do not have the ability to bring a lasting change to our lives.

Every team is going to lose, and every season is going to come to an end.

Every bite eaten and calorie consumed will soon become a memory. (Ok, maybe not as soon as we like but, calories get used eventually.)

Every jeep and truck will all end up as bucket of rust in the scrap heap of time.

Every T.V. show ends it’s run in both new and syndicated re-runs.

Every actor, politician, artist, and singer retires, and the steady flow of inspiration trickles to an end.

The awesome thing is following Jesus never ends. The adventure always continues. The season doesn’t end, the inspiration doesn’t stop, and if you ever feel like it does, chances are about 100% that it is your fault and not His.

From day we submit, to the day that we die, and beyond; following Jesus never results in disappointment.

So I choose to be a follower, not just a fan.


Friday, April 10, 2009


This is inspired by God and a good friend. The words are mostly mine but the idea is his, thanks for the jump start to this weeks message.

There have been many great presidents of this country throughout the years. Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy and a host of other men have held the office. I am sure that it can be argued that one of the greats was Thomas Jefferson.

History tells us that Jefferson was not a great speaker and orator. Some men can use words to paint a picture in the imagination of a man’s soul. Thomas Jefferson could not do this with words but he could do this with a pen and ink.

Think about the words that Jefferson penned that are so famous. “We Hold these truths to be Self-evident, that all me are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Those are inspiring words. Words that have been the hinge pin for the dreams of anyone who calls themselves an American. Those words are capable of giving hope to the hopeless, the only problem is that those words, don’t inspire the real God given hope that we so desperately need.

You see the hope of those words can be taken away with the beginning of a new revolution, or even the sound of a gunshot. Jefferson’s pen has inspired so many people but it is his scissors that has taken real hope away from people.

What many people don’t know about Thomas Jefferson is that while he was a huge fan of Jesus and his moral teachings he could not, and would not accept anything miraculous in the Bible. So what Jefferson tried to do was what he saw as separating fact from fiction. He wanted to keep the moral teachings of Jesus and get rid of anything supernatural. By doing this any miracle found in the New Testament, he would take his scissors and clip it out and throw it way. Jesus healing a man born lame or blind, was not found in Jefferson’s Bible. The raising of Lazarus was nowhere to be found.

These are the Closing words of Jefferson’s new Bible. “There laid they Jesus, and rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed.”

With one line Jefferson gave political hope to every American, and with another line he took away eternal hope for all humanity.

You see if Jesus had remained in his tomb then all hope is lost, and there is no future for any of us.

If Jesus had remained in his tomb, then the hours we spend in Bible study and prayer have all been spent in vain.

If Jesus had remained in his tomb all the hours we spend in worship is for nothing, because everything we have believed is a lie.

If Jesus had remained in his tomb then we might as well be Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or even Atheists, because all hope of a life beyond this one would be gone.

Jefferson’s cut and paste Bible might have made sense to Thomas Jefferson, but it showed that he was a man without real Hope.

His pen carried a mighty message of hope, but his scissors betrayed him because they showed that he was without hope, because when you cut the resurrection of Jesus out of the Bible and out of your life then you are removing all Hope. Because that is what the resurrection give us. It gives us hope that there is eternal life after this life.

And while Jefferson did not have that hope, we do. Because since the apostles, we have celebrated this Hope.

That Hope has kept us going, when times are hard. When family strife and finical struggle drag us down, the Hope of eternal life picks us up.

That Hope has given us a firm footing when the storms of life threaten to pound us into oblivion. When we think about those that we have loved and lost, it gives us hope that while their physical bodies might be dead their spiritual bodies are alive and in the presence of the LIVING CHRIST.

That Hope inspires us worship the risen Jesus, and live a life of Holiness for Him.

The resurrection of Jesus is our REAL HOPE.