Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I need a bailout too.

700,000,000,000 here 25,000,000,000 there. Hey Washington, I have school loans I am still paying, car payments, and I need a big expensive vacation, and don't forget a couple million bucks in bonus money. Oh yeah I also want a Jeep, but mind you I want an older one, not a new one, (that would be irresponsible) Why can't I get a bailout?

Can you tell all this bailout talk is frustrating to me? My family and I have to live on a budget, when we want something we either save for it or do without. It is that simple. For years now the majority of this country has been living on money that they did not have, and when their greed catches up with them, they want someone to bail them out. Houses are being foreclosed on, companies are closing down, bankruptcies are being filed. Why is all this happening? Now I am not an economist, but maybe it has to do with the fact that we are living beyond our means.

Maybe it has to do with the culture if greed that has possessed the majority of this country.

Maybe it is because folks in our country think that they are entitled to anything and everything they want.

Folks is here is the truth. If we lived within our means, became good stewards of the things that God has blessed us with, and done without a few of the luxuries (for instance learn how to read a map instead of a computer navigator, skip out on the TV and Xbox in your next car purchase, and if you have a family of say 5 then don't buy or build a house with 7 to 10 bed rooms, and 4 or 5 bathrooms.) life would be so much simpler.

Give the FIRST of your money to God as an offering (While the New Testament does not say 10% for most of us that is a faith stretcher, so that is what I always suggest), then live off the rest.

Let's try living every area of our life according to what God desires and not just the parts that we like.

Let's quit living on borrowed funds, and let's live on the funds that God has given us.

Then when we realize that our bailout has come not from the government, but from God then we can point to Jesus and give God the glory.

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